Little and Lively Clothing x Kindred Clothing Co. Mommy and Me outfits

If you guys remember my post from Gabriel’s 10 month update, I posted an outfit from Little and Lively. They are now launching a full women’s line for Fall brand The Kindred Clothing Co. I love that their line is subtly complimentary and matching mommy & me looks. Clothing made for trips to the mall, play dates, playground outings and just for everyday life. They offer the same fashion conscious and high quality garments to match your little ones.  

Little and Lively Clothing

c/o Little and Lively leggings | c/o Little and Lively toque | c/o Little and Lively Sweater | c/o Kindred Clothing Tshirt Dress 

I also wanted to do a little update on Gabe the Babe. 17 months and he is officially considered a toddler and doing toddler things. I can’t even believe there was a time when I worried about not giving him enough tummy time for him to learn how to roll over. He skipped rolling over to running and jumping. He loves watching Barney, playing with balls, running around outside, dancing, jumping, music and interacting with other kids. He loves food especially corn, rice, chicken, and bananas. He also loves smoothies and ice-cream. What can I say, Mother like son?

His understanding of things just baffles my mind. He has finally passed the stage of hitting other people. I was a tad bit worried about this but as most things, it passed. He is still not saying words except “Momma”. I am totally ok with this cause I feel like this is my favourite age. He is so sweet and cuddly, I just want to pause this time for a little while longer. I am also loving coordinating his outfits with mine once in awhile. I’ll continue to do this until he tells me to stop but for now, he’s all mine.

Little and Lively Clothing

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